Satisfying Edibles You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight
Famous American celebrity chef Julia Child once observed that ‘people who always like to eat are the best people.’ Widely unerring thinking as many of the finest folks I know would gobble down chow at the least chance.
That said, in an era of junk food and quick fixes, the aphorism that ‘you are what you eat couldn’t be more self-evident. In recent decades, the scourge of obesity has moved from the sidelines to the very forefront of global health concerns with many coming to realize the hazards overweight is accompanied with, not to even talk about obsessive appearance.
Knowing what to eat in large quantities without putting on weight is vital. These eatables must be high fiber, protein-filled with calories ranging from 100 to 200. With this in mind, if you are a habitual eater who is always racing downstairs to the kitchen shelves or fridge to take in something, even at odd times, perhaps these are the delicacies you should stock your pantry with;
Vegetable Salad

Vegetable Salad should be a fixture on your food menu if you want to eat healthily and avoid putting on weight. The mix contains a lot of fiber which helps regulate your blood sugar. Salads may constitute vegetables like cabbage, spinach, and broccoli which are rich in nutrients.

Popcorns! Yes, they can easily satisfy you without being responsible for a gram of weight you gain. A fiber-endowed snack, popcorns can be very satisfying. They also contain low calories making it an ally in weight check. Try them when there is the incessant urge to eat something. When eaten without butter, they are super healthy

Peanut Butter contains high protein which helps keep your weight in check no matter how much you consume. They taste so good people make it a habit of immersing a finger or two in the jar and licking them leisurely (not healthy!) For the hungry, gobbling this down really does the trick. Indeed, a study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that eating peanut products before a meal contributes immeasurably to satisfaction

Make no mistake, oat is one of the healthiest breakfasts around. Although low in calories, the meal can be fulfilling. They can satisfy you without contributing an extra pound of weight.

Potatoes are usually thought of as sumptuous but not nutrient-rich. They contain principal nutrients the body essentially needs while keeping weight gain under control. According to Healthline, potatoes rank as one of the world’s filling foods, supplying nutrients that may decrease appetite and food intake.

The fruit has a high water content which plays multiple roles in the body ranging from keeping you hydrated to furnishing the body with a minimal number of calories to prevent weight gains. Additionally, melons contain an amino acid called citrulline which may help move blood through your body and can lower blood pressure.
Sticking to the menu…
Staying on diets that generally contain low calories for the average person can be strenuous and while there would be some eating deviations along the line, just don’t make those irregularities a habit lest you have your weight to worry about.
GCBM Contributor: Mitchell Amoamah